REST API reference cheat sheet

All our available endpoints. Just for you.


Product [identifier]

Product model

Product media file

Published products

Published product

Important update: Published Products discontinuation. After careful consideration and in alignment with our long-term product vision, we have made the decision to remove this feature on February 28, 2024. Learn more in the help center.

Catalog structure


Family variant


Attribute option

Attribute group

Association type


Target market settings




Measure family

Reference entities

Reference entity

Reference entity attribute

Reference entity attribute option

Reference entity record

Reference entity media file

Asset Manager

Asset family

Asset attribute

Asset attribute option

Asset media file


PAM - Deprecated

With the introduction of our new way to handle assets, the Asset Manager, the PAM feature will be removed from the v4.0 of the PIM. As a result, from now on, all the endpoints regarding the PAM assets are deprecated. They will not be available anymore starting from the v4.0.
To understand why, we recommend you to read this Medium post, we wrote on this special occasion.
Also, don't hesitate to take a look at the Asset Manager documentation to discover this new feature and how much more efficient it will be to handle your precious assets.

PAM asset - Deprecated

PAM asset reference file - Deprecated

PAM asset variation file - Deprecated

PAM asset category - Deprecated

PAM asset tag - Deprecated


